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What is Arizona Black Rattlesnake?

 Arizona black rattlesnake is a poisonous pit viper occurring in the southwestern United States. The pitviper subspecies is mainly diurnal, but in favorable conditions, it can be active at night also. Like other pit vipers, the snake makes use of heat sensing pits located on each side of the face to detect prey and predators. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Family: Viperidae Subfamily: Crotalinae Genus: Crotalus Species: Crotalus oreganus Scientific Name: Crotalus oreganus cerberus

Thailand Pit vipers

Malayan Pit Viper
Length: up to 100 cm

Distribution: Residents throughout Thailand, often hidden under dead leaves, stones or old wood.

Habits: Mainly at night, especially when it drizzles, but active during the day. It bites and it's an aggressive snake. This pit viper moves really quickly.

Venom Level: highly toxic, deadly!
Omkoi Lance-headed Pit Viper
Length: 110 cm for males, 132 cm for females

Distribution: Chiang Mai province

Habitat: A team of Thai herpetologists described the Omkoi Lance-headed pit viper in early 2020. So, until now, we know very little about this species. All the snakes found so far have been found in jungles at an altitude of 600-1000m. These pit vipers were found near the rocks in the jungle. Animals were observed near a nature reserve. This species is nocturnal. The females are laying eggs.

Venom Level: The strength of the venom is not yet known.

White-lipped Viper

 Length: 75 cm for males, 104 cm for females

Distribution: the whole of Thailand

Habitat: The White-lipped Viper is a highly adaptable pit viper found up to 500m high in wood and dense open areas. It is often found near human settlements. This snake prefers to stay near the water. It is nocturnal and it also moves on the ground at night in order to find food (rodents, frogs, lizards, birds). Vipers can attack quickly, and accidents with humans are frequent. Thai white-lipped vipers mate in September and October. Females can give birth to up to 16 calves, which break through a membrane when they are born. Juveniles and adults have the same color.

Venom Level: Bites can be painful, but are usually not fatal. A severe bite can lead to necrosis.

Pope's Pit viper
Length: Up to 90 cm

Distribution: Tropical rainforests of central and western Thailand.

Behavior: Pope's Pit viper is nocturnal, aggressive and biting snake, capable of moving fast over long distances. It lies in the tree during the day. At night, it moves across the ground.

Venom Level: extremely venomous! The pain and swelling around the bite wound!


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